Building Bonds and Breaking Barriers: The Historic Basketball Game at Queensbridge

Something truly remarkable happened at Queensbridge during Safe Summer 2022. What may seems like just an ordinary basketball game is, in fact, a monumental event in the making. Here, amidst the vibrant energy of Woodside and Queensbridge houses, young people are coming together to create positive memories and forge lasting bonds. About a decade ago, tragedy struck when a friend from Woodside lost his life here, sparking tension between the neighborhoods. But through Community Capacity Development’s efforts to bridge gaps and build rapport, we've transformed conflict into camaraderie. We've organized tournaments, summer activities, and neighborhood gatherings, transcending historical problems and fostering unity among our youth.

In our neighborhoods, too often we inherit animosities we never truly understand. But when we recognize our shared struggles – poverty, inadequate education, systemic injustices – we realize the futility of division. This isn't just about basketball; it's about something much greater – it's about rewriting our shared narrative. Here, at Safe Summer 22, we're not just ensuring safety for today; we're laying the groundwork for a legacy of unity and resilience. This moment belongs to the youth – to those out here, defying skeptics and proving that unity prevails. Salute to the power of the people – Safe Summer 22, brought to you by CCD, worldwide.

This gathering exemplifies the transformative potential of unity, demonstrating that by standing together, we can effect meaningful change and create a brighter future for generations to come. As we bask in the camaraderie and collective energy of this event, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to building on this legacy of togetherness and empowerment.

Stay tuned as we continue to nurture these bonds, foster collaboration, and uplift one another in our shared journey towards progress and prosperity. Together, we can achieve great things. Peace out, from Queensbridge, where unity reigns supreme.


Impact Report: November 2023


Impact Report: January 2024