Human Justice Training

In our Human Justice Training program, we delve into the intricate tapestry of historical systems, their impact on society, and the journey toward a more equitable future. Throughout this engaging and enlightening training, participants will embark on a journey through history, exploring the roots of oppression and understanding how these systems have shaped our present reality.

Unleash Your Community's Power with CCD Training

Human Justice Training

 In our sessions, we shed light on the often-overlooked perspective of violence as a public health concern. Through thought-provoking discussions and evidence-based insights, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of violence and explore alternative approaches to addressing this pressing issue. Moreover, our training delves into the core principles of the Human Justice Model, offering a comprehensive understanding of its equation and methodology. Participants will not only grasp the theoretical framework but also learn practical strategies for applying these principles in real-world contexts. Join us on this transformative journey as we equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to advocate for justice, equality, and positive change in their communities and beyond.

Human Justice Training is divided into four informative modules.

  • This module is designed to enable the learner define and identify systemic racism across multiple sectors (i.e. medial, criminal justice/law enforcement, housing, education)

  • This module connects violence to the academic discipline/study of public health. There are many approaches to defining violence through a public health lens, and this module challenges learner to demonstrate a personal understanding of violence as a public health problem and to differentiate between types of violence.

  • This module is deigned to familiarize the learner with various models of violence prevention and criminal justice reform efforts that serve as important complimentary and supplemental frame works to the Human Justice Model.

  • This module introduces the Human Justice Model. The learner will become familiar with the Human Justice Model, its history and core components, and how it has been implemented for community health and renewal.